Wednesday, June 21, 2006

We recently did an event for bachendorf and a fajita party for Comerica oh there are also pictures of a private dinner and cupcakes by me

Friday, May 19, 2006

Everything is down the wall is gone and everything looks brand new. its so exciting, we will start advertising soon and then the stove and the vent hood and we will be an up and fully running restaurant. we are so very close to reaching our goals. we have too very catering events in june that will really help boost everything for us and now that the cafe looks as good as the food, we can tell people to come and check it out with a new air of confidence. we all worked really hard to get together and everyone helped.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Things are changing

We got the sign and now we have started to move all the kitchen stuff around to get used to the wall being further back. The sink is going to its new spot this week and then more rearranging and then... the wall comes down!!!!! We are still working on getting the capital to build but we are starting to get business from every place we give menus to. I also made a to go menu and we are going to start delivering to the areas around us. It is all on the verge of being what it was meant to be. We are trying really hard to stay patient but now we can see the possibilities alot more clearly. It is so incredible, The more people the better. We have been doing so much catering and really trying to give our info to anyone we can. We just got a new sandwich station that is coming all the way from wisconsin. Next thing will be dollin up the front of the house. I am kinda excited about that. I think we are going to try to do retro theme or thrift store style. We are also going to stay open later after the time change and eventually we will have a full dinner menu. When the equipment is installed and everything in is a good spot we will be ready to do a full menu with plated desserts and everything. It is all really exciting, the business getting there. It is hard but we are anticipating all these changes and of course as they say it all comes in time.

Monday, February 27, 2006

we are getting a sign

We are getting a sign today. It is going to great for our business, we are so happy to finally get one up. Unfortunately it won't say trio cafe it is going to be kozy Kitchen but as long as we have a sign thats a good thing. We are also doing construction little by little, We have finished the office in the back and are now working on taking the back walls down so we can move everything back. The sign should really help us get ready for the major construction. If we can get enough in the next two weeks then we can be done with the construction by the middle of march and then it is all up hill from there. We also have picked up on our catering and what a funny idea we are going to sell the cakes on ebay. well thats all that's going on lately.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

The wall didn't come down. We got alittle ahead of ourselves. Being patient is beginning to get frustrating, we are hoping to work up enough to handle the construction costs. We are still doing all the work ourselves. It is really funny how well we are doing, We still don't have a sign so we are doing all this business truly by word of mouth. It is amazing really to see new faces everyday and all the people who make it a routine stop whether on thier way to work or when they go out. I never knew how exciting it could be to go back to the beginning and start from point a again. We are updating all the equipment and redoing things everyday. The weekends are beginning to pick up. I get in early now to bake fresh weekend items. We are working on our corporate cake program trying to improve the service of our current customers and going to new customers. We have gained a few customers and this month is starting to look very good. I guess thats all to update.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The wall is coming down

This is the weekend that we are taking the wall down, i am so excited. We have to close to do it though. We are bringing in everyone from Nick's family to help with the construction, but we are doing everything by ourselves which could be a good thing or a bad thing. we will just have to see. I did my second catering event today at a local bank. It is going really good we brought cinnamon rolls and muffins and parfaits. we also have started to bring box lunches so they don't have to leave to have a good lunch. I think we are going to do it twice a week if it keeps going well. It is pretty nice everything we make we bring back to the cafe so it helps with the extra cash flow. We still don't have a sign nor have we done any kind of advertising but we are supposed to get a sign up with our official name "TRIO CAFE" and Bakery. At least we have a name now, we can start printing business cards and flyers. Everything is going to really get rolling as soon as this wall goes down. When we get this wall down we can really see how much space we have to play with in the front. I still think we will be able to do the banquettes and i think we might have more space then we planned for couches and tables. It is all really exciting because it will all come together after this weekend.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Things are still coming together. We are getting ready to stain all the floors, that is a lot of work the last three owners painted one coat or color right on top of the next one so we have to scrape all of it off. The last owner could have just taken care of the wood floors as opposed to ripping them out then we would just have to do the kitchen. Oh well it will look better this way and way easier to keep clean. The wall building is about to begin, we are trying to get everything reorganized again so the wall won't push anything back. I am developing a gluten free recipe book for myself, the only thing is I can't seem to get all the ingredients together or at least a list of what I need because I keep finding more recipes I would like to try. Nick is getting together all the information for our corporate customers so we can try to retrieve those accounts. We do corporate customer appreciation programs with the bunt cakes and specialized tins and we are trying to get local companies involved. We also have created a corporate lunch catering menu but that is still moving in baby steps. Jenci and Jeff will be back in town next week so hopefully we can get a little more rest and maybe a day off. It will be good to have them here to finish making the final decisions. It seems like we are all having a hard time deciding what the name should be. I guess that would be the hardest part of this whole thing. We will hopefully have a name by the end of next week. The ideas have been One Way cafe, Cafe Trio, Trio Cafe, and the latest one is Cafe Cache. We will all have to really be here to make that decision.